Havok Publishing

A New Year’s Weekend Gift: Our Story Collection Free for All!

Welcome to Havok’s Flash Peek weekend! To celebrate the completion of our Vice & Virtue anthology contest, our entire collection of 1,000+ flash fiction stories are open to the public through Sunday night, Jan 1, 9pm Pacific / 11pm Central / midnight Eastern time. So many great stories to choose from!

Find a Story by Author Name or Keyword
Genres and monthly themes listed below. You can also search using the icon in the navigation menu.

Stories by Genre

Mystery Monday || Techno Tuesday || Wacky Wednesday || Thriller Thursday || Fantasy Friday || Sunday Funday || The Mythington Minute (Phenny Comics)

Seasons & Monthly Themes (most recent first)

Season Eight: Vice & Virtue

July 2022 (Cowardice & Courage) || August 2022 (Laziness & Diligence) || September 2022 (Pride & Humility) || October 2022 (Rage & Peace) || November 2022 (Gluttony & Temperance) || December 2022 (Selfishness & Sacrifice)

Season Seven: Animal Kingdom

January 2022 (Partners & Predators) || February (Swimmers & Soarers) || March (Discoveries & Extinctions) || April (Beautiful & Dangerous) || May (Symbiotes & Parasites) || June (Macro & Micro)

Season Six: Casting Call

July 2021 (Ruler / Rebel) || August (Hero / Magician) || September (Creator / Explorer) || October (Everyman / Jester) || November (Caregiver / Lover) || December (Innocent / Sage)

Season Five: Prismatic

January 2021 (Yellow) || February 2021 (Red) || March 2021 (Green) || April 2021 (Blue) || May 2021 (Purple) || June 2021 (Orange)

Season Four: Sensational

July 2020 (Touch) || August 2020 (Taste) || September 2020 (Hearing) || October 2020 (Sixth Sense) || November 2020 (Smell) || December 2020 (Sight)

Season Three: Bingeworthy

January 2020 (Dynamic Duos) || February 2020 (Answering The Call) || March 2020 (Strange New Worlds) || April 2020 (The End of the World As We Know It) || May 2020 (Super Duper) || June 2020 (The One Thing)

Season Two: Stories That Sing

July 2019 (1950’s) || August 2019 (1960’s) || September 2019 (1970’s) || October 2019 (1980’s) || November 2019 (1990’s) || December 2019 (Open Mic Night)

Season One: Rebirth

January 2019 (Rebirth) || February 2019 (Recycle) || March 2019 (Relocate) || April 2019 (Reform) || May 2019 (Recover) || June 2019 (Redo)

Weekend features

Staff Saturday || Story Podcast

Help fund author payments for our next anthology!

Your Dose of Weekday Fun

Welcome to Havok, where everyone gets free flash fiction every weekday and members of the Havok Horde can access the archives, rate the stories, and contend for reader prizes! Join the Horde, or enjoy today’s story… we hope you’ll do both!

Havok Story Podcast profile pic

Archives by Genre / Day

Archives by Month