Havok Publishing
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Season One Award Winners

We have a lot of ground to cover today, so take your seat and hold on for a thrilling ride!

Before we get to our Rebirth Award Winners, we wanted to give our June stories some love. Here’s the scoreboard for June:

Readers’ Favorite June Stories

The stories that received the most lightning bolts for June were
Thriller Thursday’s Backward by Christine Smith and
Thriller Thursday’s Murmurations by Stephanie Scissom
making Thriller Thursday the most popular genre for June!

Topping off our other genres for June, we have
Mystery Mondays’s Ghost of the Golf Course by Kristiana Sfirlea,
Techno Tuesday’s Luminous Matter by Zackary Russell,
Wacky Wednesday’s The Devil Went Down to Costco by Stephanie Scissom, and
Fantasy Friday’s Misfire by Abigayle Claire.

Congratulations, authors!

June’s Top Readers

Alex McGilveryFlorid SwordLilakimsauthor, Michael Dolan, and DebH top the list of Super Readers for June. They were automatically entered for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card.

Thank you for your support of Havok and its stories. We love that you take the time to read and comment!

Editors’ Choices for June

Our editors picked their favorite June stories. Here were the finalists for our first anthology and the reasons for their selection, straight from our Hive mind:

Mystery Monday

Ghost of the Golf Course by Kristiana Y. Sfirlea for its unique author voice and compelling protagonist.

Museum Piece by Abigail Falanga because who doesn’t enjoy a time travel story where love is on the line?

Techno Tuesday

Luminous Matter by Zackary Russell for its haunting and beautiful portrayal of meeting an ethereal being.

Finnegan Transmitting by Eva Schultz: A shocking tale of how one’s actions can come back to haunt them.

Wacky Wednesday

Alan and the Magic Lamp by Michael Dolan for brilliantly wrapping a weighty life message about moving on from past mistakes in words of wit and wacky imagery.

The Devil Went Down to Costco by Stephanie Scissom for phenomenal characterization and utterly wacky yet relatable tension.

Thriller Thursday

Murmurations by Stephanie Scissom for its haunting, beautiful picture of loss, memories, and regret.

Salvage and Reclamation by Abigail Falanga for the hope it offers after the ravages of war.

Fantasy Friday

Misfire by Abigayle Claire because of the twist at the end involving the main character.

The Transfer by Katie Hauenstein because it shows how our decisions can have eternal consequences, and how sometimes what seems initially like an untenable choice can in fact be the best choice.


Editors’ Choice Award

Life Cycle 63 by Just B. Jordan

Readers’ Choice Award

When Magic Died by Michael Dolan

Super Reader Award

Paul Nieto

Readers’ Top 10

Season One hosted 129 magnificent stories. You read, you rated, and we listened. While our editors picked the top story for each genre and month to include in our anthology, there were some very great stories that you loved that weren’t selected (it’s a contest, after all). We wanted to take a moment to recognize your 10 favorites for Season One. Congratulations, authors!

    1. When Magic Died – Michael Dolan – Wacky Wednesday
    2. Life Cycle 63 – Just B. Jordan – Techno Tuesday
    3. Words – Katherine Vinson – Techo Tuesday
    4. Sins of Fire and Metal – Emileigh LathamTechno Tuesday
    5. Dead Magic – Tracey Dyck* – Thriller Thursday
    6. A Symphony of Words – Kerry NietzTechno Tuesday
    7. Bitten – Jessi L. Roberts – Thriller Thursday
    8. Worth Saving – Stephanie Scissom*– Thriller Thursday
    9. Feathered Corpse – Bill Bibo Jr – Mystery Monday
    10. Of Life and Breakfast  A. R. Hildebrand* – Wacky Wednesday

*Only available in our online archive




to our Season One: Rebirth Anthology!

Click on the cover below and go get your copy from Amazon. The anthology is filled with our 30 Anthology winners (announced last week) and 16 exclusive stories from our Featured Authors and Havok Hive.

THANK YOU for being part of Season One’s success!!!

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