Havok Publishing

Category - Anthologies

Season Two Jukebox Contest

Stories That Sing: Winning Stories

We published 142 stories for Season Two: Stories That Sing. Now, we couldn’t be happier to congratulate our thirty-one contest winners! Their stories will be published alongside our Featured Authors and Staff Features in our upcoming Season Two: Stories That Sing anthology! But first, we want to take a moment to announce our Season Two

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Saturday Scoreboard featured image - orange

Season One Award Winners

Take a look at June’s Scoreboard – Readers’ favorites, editors’ picks, super readers – then buckle your seatbelt for our Season One Award Winners! And, did we mention, it’s Launch Day for our Season One Anthology?

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Story Collection page featured image

Cover & Congratulations

WARNING: CONTENTS UNDER PRESSURE. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. What you see above is the culmination of eight months of work. Planning for the rebirth of Havok. Vision casting. Implementation. Hard work by our authors, editors, and support staff. Input from readers. Investment by our fantastic featured authors James Scott Bell, David Farland, Robert Liparulo,

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Story Behind the Story – Featured Author Edition

At Havok, we love stories and the people who write them. This month, on Story Behind the Story, we thought we’d ask our Featured Authors for Havok’s upcoming Season One: Rebirth anthology where they get their ideas. Without further ado, here are their answers. I feel honored to have two stories in this anthology. The

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Our Featured Authors on Flash Fiction

Our Featured Authors on Flash Fiction

We’re rounding up Season One this month. That means it’s about a month until we take the best stories from each month and wrap them up in our Season One: Rebirth anthology! Along with our winning stories, we’re featuring award-winning and best-selling authors. Here they are today, stopping by to answer the question What do

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