Havok Publishing
Weekend Scoreboard - Bingeworthy - Phenny & Ling

Top Stories from May 2020… so far

Hey, Ling. What do you call a fish binge reading Havok stories?

I don’t know, Phenny. What do you call a fish binge reading Havok stories?


Now I’m sorry I asked.

You’re supposed to laugh, Ling, there are people watching.

Oh. bwahahahahahahahahahahaha hahaha ha

Hello, Havokteers! I’m back with the best of the top of the stories for May.

Or simply the “top stories for May”?

That’s what I said, Ling. Are you ready?

The top story for May was Wacky Wednesday’s Secret Agent Lampshade by Cassandra Hamm! You’re trying to snag the Readers’ Choice Award again, aren’t you, Cassandra?

Topping off the rest of the daily genres for May, we have:

Hey, I recognize ALL those authors!

That’s right, Ling. These are repeat Havok authors! Way to go, you writer-types.

May’s Top 5 Reader Favorites:

  1. Secret Agent Lampshade by Cassandra Hamm
  2. Amelia Blewitt & The Lethal Latte by A. C. Williams
  3. Revolutionary Fire by Beka Gremikova
  4. She-Borg Goes on a Blind Date by Andrew Swearingen
  5. Some Assembly Required by Patrick M. Fitzgerald

Bingeworthy’s Top 15 Reader Favorites (so far):

  1. The Art of Taming a Dragon by Hannah Robinson (Jan)
  2. Secret Agent Lampshade by Cassandra Hamm (May)
  3. A Far-Off Place by Brianna Suazo (March)
  4. The Boy with the Crows by Hope Ann (April)
  5. Just Like Once Upon a Time by S. C. E. Swayne (April)
  6. Loves Cats by Krysta Tawlks (February)
  7. Bloodlender Babysitter by Beka Gremikova (February)
  8. Flowers by Hannah Robinson (April)
  9. Sexiest Man in Space by Teddi Deppner (January)
  10. Amelia Blewitt & The Lethal Latte by A. C. Williams (May)
  11. The Last Gateway by Cassandra Hamm (March)
  12. The Time Travelers by Kaitlyn Carter Brown (January)
  13. Deepest Chains by Josiah Dyck (April)
  14. Revolutionary Fire by Beka Gremikova (May)
  15. Marsh Bug Mayhem by Katie Phillips (March)

Any idea how many stories Havok has published for Bingeworthy?

120 stories from January through May including the Staff Saturday ones!

That’s a lot of stories worthy of binging.

I know. You could almost call them bingeworthy

Oh, Phenny.

Stay tuned for next month when we bring you the Season Three Long List—our semi-finalists for the anthology contest!

And authors, remind your friends, family, and fans to vote for your stories. It’s not too late to get that top prize, which includes a $100 Amazon gift card! Plus, you make it into the Bingeworthy season anthology automatically!

Support our authors!

3 comments - Join the conversation


  • Congratulations Cassandra on Top May Story! <3 And all you other fabulous authors!!! (I’m absolutely chuffed to see some of my stories on these lists!)

  • Congratulations, Cassandra!
    Well deserved. I love Lamp!
    I’m honored to see my story on the list, thanks everyone!

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