Havok Publishing
Saturday Scoreboard featured image - orange

Most Prolific Authors

At Havok, we count a lot.

Number of submissions, days, lightning bolts, comments.

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Today, we’re counting multiple publications. This Saturday Scoreboard is brought to you by Our Most Prolific Authors!

Zachary Holbrook – 5 published, 2 upcoming

Stephanie Scissom – 5 published, 2 upcoming

Justin Mynheir – 5 published

Lila Kims – 4 published

E.A. West – 4 published

Michael Dolan – 3 published, 1 upcoming

Clarissa Ruth – 3 published, 1 upcoming

Andrew Swearingen – 3 published, 1 upcoming

Kaitlyn Carter Brown – 3 published

One thing we have yet to see is an author who has been published across all five of our genres. A couple of the writers listed above are sooooo close (just missing one genre to complete the pentafecta) but not quite there. Who will be the first author to claim the 5-genre crown, do you think?

And *thank you, authors* for writing and submitting such great stories for our enjoyment!

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3 comments - Join the conversation


  • Okay, I can’t resist a challenge. I WANT the five genre crown. It took me out of my comfort zone, but I finally wrote a Sci Fi story and submitted it. Wish me luck!

    Your move, Zachary Holbrook and Justin Mynheir ;)

    All joking aside, I’m honored to have my work published alongside such talented authors and I’ve learned so much from my editors.

    Thank you, Havok.

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