Havok Publishing

Tag - most prolific authors

Tales of Author Success:
Gremikova & Hamm (Part 2)

Beka Gremikova is a rising powerhouse of flash fiction prose. With fifteen stories published in 2020, she’s the latest winner of our new “Most Prolific Author” annual prize. She also holds the Editors’ Choice award title for her story “Unexpected Encounters of a Draconic Kind” which was published in the Bingeworthy anthology. Time-tested advertising principles

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Most Prolific Authors: Update

Back in June 2019, we listed nine authors who had published with us three or more times throughout the first season after Havok’s rebirth. I thought it was time to update that Most Prolific Authors post. This Weekend Scoreboard is brought to you by Our Most Prolific Authors! Let’s hear from them what motivates their writing and

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Saturday Scoreboard featured image - orange

Most Prolific Authors

At Havok, we count a lot. Number of submissions, days, lightning bolts, comments. Number of authors, members, staff, newsletter subscribers. [Have you subscribed to our newsletter? If not, we send monthly updates about submissions, insider info, and other writer-related stuff that doesn’t show up here.] Today, we’re counting multiple publications. This Saturday Scoreboard is brought

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