Havok Publishing

Category - Interviews

J. J. Johnson Featured Author Interview

Prismatic Featured Author: J. J. Johnson

If you know J. J. Johnson, then you know he’s an avid speculative fiction fan, father of two active boys, and he always has a dad joke up his sleeve. He cares about writing books that kids love to read, and we’re thrilled to welcome him to our Havok family as a featured author in

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Tales of Author Success: A. J. Skelly’s Debut Book Launch

We love celebrating author success stories. Havok author A. J. Skelly’s debut novel FIRST SHIFT was in the top 50 of the Amazon New Release Best Seller List for its category for over a month! Let’s celebrate with her and hear how it happened…

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Tales of Author Success:
Gremikova & Hamm (Part 2)

Beka Gremikova is a rising powerhouse of flash fiction prose. With fifteen stories published in 2020, she’s the latest winner of our new “Most Prolific Author” annual prize. She also holds the Editors’ Choice award title for her story “Unexpected Encounters of a Draconic Kind” which was published in the Bingeworthy anthology. Time-tested advertising principles

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Tales of Author Success:
Hamm & Gremikova (Part 1)

Cassandra Hamm, author of over 20 Havok stories and Readers’ Choice award winner, shares her publishing journey and how she found a dear critique partner and friend in fellow Havok author Beka Gremikova.

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Havok Story Podcast episode featured image

Behind the Havok Story Podcast

During our Facebook Launch Party for our Season Two: Stories That Sing anthology, we solicited questions from attendees. One of them, or rather three-combined, had to do with our magnificent Havok Story Podcast. So we decided— You stink at this, Ling, so I’m taking over. Phenny here, with our almost-as-amazing-as-me Podcast Narrator, Magnus Carlssen. Magnus,

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Most Prolific Authors: Update

Back in June 2019, we listed nine authors who had published with us three or more times throughout the first season after Havok’s rebirth. I thought it was time to update that Most Prolific Authors post. This Weekend Scoreboard is brought to you by Our Most Prolific Authors! Let’s hear from them what motivates their writing and

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Morgan L. Busse interview featured image

“Stories That Sing” Featured Author: Morgan Busse

Morgan L. Busse is one of the sweetest and most humble authors you could ever meet. She’s the author of the critically acclaimed Follower of the Word series, The Soul Chronicles, and award-winning Ravenwood Saga. Morgan is here today to talk about her latest release, the third and final book in her Ravenwood Saga: Cry

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“Stories That Sing” Featured Author: Kat Heckenbach

The release date for Season Two’s Stories That Sing anthology draws ever closer. To celebrate, we have a treat for you! Not only do we get to introduce you to another Season Two Featured Author, but we get to let you in on a little secret… she also created the fantastic art that we’re using

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