Havok Publishing

Category - Anthologies

Season Six: Casting Call
Anthology Winners

Hello, folks, Phenny the Phoenix here, reporting on the results for Havok’s Season Six: Casting Call contest! These stories passed the Great Audition of our daily publication, impressing our editors with their stunning renditions of memorable characters. Then, after duking it out with other fabulous stories in the wings, they took center stage and garnered

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Season Five: Prismatic Anthology Winners

It’s time, Ling! Can you feel the excitement in the air? Like beams of the rainbow shining from a faceted crystal… You mean a prism? Yes! The jewels of this anthology’s crown will douse us in multicolored splendor. The myriad parts combine into one brilliant beam of creativity the likes of which the Havokverse has

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J. J. Johnson Featured Author Interview

Prismatic Featured Author: J. J. Johnson

If you know J. J. Johnson, then you know he’s an avid speculative fiction fan, father of two active boys, and he always has a dad joke up his sleeve. He cares about writing books that kids love to read, and we’re thrilled to welcome him to our Havok family as a featured author in

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Season Four: Sensational Anthology Winners

These stories ran the gauntlet of submission, voting, and the scrutiny of Havok’s savvy anthology selection judges. Emerging triumphant and sizzling with promise, they will be included our Season Four: Sensational anthology. Without further ado, here are the WINNERS of the Havok Season Four: Sensational contest! JULY Color by Hannah Robinson Vesper, Shadow Queen of

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Bingeworthy Anthology: Exclusive Content

Bingeworthy Anthology: Exclusive Content

Did you know? Havok runs on seasons. January to June 2019 was Season One: Rebirth July to December 2019 was Season Two: Stories That Sing January to June 2020 was Season Three: Bingeworthy July to December 2020 is Season Four: Sensational Did you know? We publish an anthology to celebrate the best stories of each

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Weekend Scoreboard - Bingeworthy - Phenny & Ling

Bingeworthy: Winning Stories

Congratulations to our Season Three: Bingeworthy Anthology Winners! We published 146 stories for Havok’s third season. Now, we couldn’t be happier to congratulate our thirty contest winners! Their stories will be published alongside our Featured Authors and Staff Features in our upcoming Season Three: Bingeworthy anthology! January (Dynamic Duos) Figlio Fortunato – Abigail Falanga The

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Weekend Scoreboard - Bingeworthy - Ling & Phenny

Bingeworthy: June Wrap-up & Anthology Finalists

Hello, Havok Horde and soon-to-be Horde! We have EXCITING news to share today!!! Not only are we reporting on June’s top stories but ALL the stories in contention for our Season Three anthology. That IS exciting. First, Havok’s Top June Stories… Our top story for June as rated by the Havok Horde was Fantasy Friday’s

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Season Two Themes Featured Image

Cover Reveal for Season Two: Stories That Sing!

We are excited to announce that our second anthology will release April 30th! The Season Two: Stories That Sing anthology includes: 31 winning stories from our second season (July-December 2019) exclusive stories by our Featured Authors: Carla Hoch, Morgan L. Busse, Kat Heckenbach, and Jill Williamson exclusive stories by our Featured Staff: Andrew Winch, Teddi Deppner, Lisa Godfrees, Ronnell

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“Stories That Sing” Featured Author: Kat Heckenbach

The release date for Season Two’s Stories That Sing anthology draws ever closer. To celebrate, we have a treat for you! Not only do we get to introduce you to another Season Two Featured Author, but we get to let you in on a little secret… she also created the fantastic art that we’re using

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