Havok Publishing

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Welcome to Havok, featuring five popular genres packed with five-minute reads

Havok publishes new flash fiction every weekday, Monday through Friday (and sometimes even on Saturday!). If you came here hoping for a story, members can browse the links below and read at their leisure.

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S6 Daily Genre Banner - TT

S2 Wacky Wednesday featured image (season 2)

S2 Fantasy Friday featured image (season 2)

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(things like “werewolves,” “mermaids,” or “super powers”)

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(organized by theme, like stories about rebirth and second chances, stories based on songs, and great character archetypes)

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Your Dose of Weekday Fun

Welcome to Havok, where everyone gets free flash fiction every weekday and members of the Havok Horde can access the archives, rate the stories, and contend for reader prizes! Join the Horde, or enjoy today’s story… we hope you’ll do both!

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