Havok Publishing

Contests for Readers

March 2025 – Multiversal Character Profile Contest

Monthly Reader Contests

In July 2023 we started up monthly reader contests. Each month there’s a new challenge and a new prize! Details can be found by following our social media posts.

Havok on Facebook Havok on Instagram

Regular Season Contests

Havok publishes in seasons: January through June is the first season of the year, and July through December is the second. Each season brings with it the contests for readers. One caveat: to qualify for contest prizes you have to be a member of the Havok Horde. Memberships come with the ability to read ALL our stories and vote on them, and annual memberships are only $4.99.

Super Reader Award
Each season we award a $50 Amazon gift card to the Reader who makes the most comments. Why? Because authors love to hear what you think about their stories, and we love our authors. What better way to support them than by leaving a comment? (Note: Contest for Havok members only. Become a member for only $4.99/yr.)

Generally, these awards are given at the same time as our seasonal anthology release (April and September).

See also our Contests for Authors

Your Dose of Weekday Fun

Welcome to Havok, where everyone gets free flash fiction every weekday and members of the Havok Horde can access the archives, rate the stories, and contend for reader prizes! Join the Horde, or enjoy today’s story… we hope you’ll do both!

Archives by Genre / Day

Archives by Month