Havok Publishing

Your Effusiveness of the Everlasting Gobstoppers: A Magical Vice

You’ve heard of MadLibs, right? Well, we’ve developed our own version of that zesty party game, thanks to the generous tech wizardry of Havok author Nathan Veyon. Today we feature the a story written entirely via the hilarious blind contributions of Vice & Virtue launch party attendees. While such absurdity is at its best when you get to participate in it, we think the zany joy stands the test of time. And repeat viewings.

Listen and/or watch this piece of hilarious ad lib fiction on YouTube by Havok Story Podcast narrator and Fantasy Friday editor Jane Maree (recorded live at the Vice & Virtue launch party on Friday, April 28, 2023) or read it below.

Once upon a time, in a hobbitish town nestled deep in the heart of a gelatinous forest, there lived a curmudgeonly woman named Mrs. Hoolindivork. Mrs. Hoolindivork was an undigestible and bumblebee yellow soul, but she had a secret vice that she kept hidden from everyone around her.

Mrs. Hoolindivork ‘s vice was a cankerous appetite for Everlasting Gobstoppers. Yes, you heard that right. Everlasting Gobstoppers. She loved everything about them—the swiss-cheese-like consistency, the melt-your-face-off spiciness, the way it left her earlobe feeling discombobulated and twitterpated.

Mrs. Hoolindivork’s love for Everlasting Gobstoppers was so intense that she had started to incorporate them into every aspect of her life. She started wearing Everlasting Gobstopper-shaped fedoras, carrying an Everlasting Gobstoppers-shaped toupee, and even decorating her castle ruins with Everlasting Gobstoppers-themed decor.

One day, while reading under a tree, Mrs. Hoolindivork oozed upon a mysterious claw-foot tub of Everlasting gobstoppers hidden behind a Havok anthology. She eagerly opened the claw-foot tub and took a bite of the Everlasting Gobstoppers inside. But as she plasticized, she comprehended that these were no ordinary Everlasting Gobstoppers.

These Everlasting Gobstoppers were magical. With every bite, Mrs. Hoolindivork felt her femur skedaddling and her liver become Australian. She felt a surge of energy coursing through the parrot on her shoulder, and she knew that she had oozed upon something truly, slightly obsessed.

From that day forward, Mrs. Hoolindivork became an Everlasting Gobstoppers connoisseur, scrying the secret tower room for the most exotic and tubular Everlasting Gobstoppers she could find. She opened an Everlasting Gobstoppers sketchy hut on the edge of her hobbitish town and became known as the “Everlasting Gobstoppers Effusiveness” among her friends and teleporting businessmen.

And so, Mrs. Hoolindivork’s vice turned into her greatest passion, and she lived snivelingly ever after, surrounded by claw-foot tubs upon claw-foot tubs of Everlasting Gobstoppers, each one holding a different flash fiction and a different flavor.

Related: Check out other HavokLibs stories

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