Havok Publishing

Season Five: Prismatic Anthology Winners

It’s time, Ling!
Can you feel the excitement in the air? Like beams of the rainbow shining from a faceted crystal…

You mean a prism?

Yes! The jewels of this anthology’s crown will douse us in multicolored splendor. The myriad parts combine into one brilliant beam of creativity the likes of which the Havokverse has never experienced.

Phenny, are you trying to say that we’re about to announce the anthology winners for Season Five?

Well, yes, Ling. But I was going to do it with a spritz of sparkle. A pinch of pizazz. An ounce of oomph.

We’ve made them wait long enough, Phenny. You’ve done a spectacular job, but let’s get this show going…

Ahem. Without further ado—
because some dragons don’t understand the need for ceremony—
here are our Anthology Winners for…



January – Yellow

Magpie Boy by Beka Gremikova
The Hologram Hypothesis by Pamela Love
An Honest Profession by Michael Teasdale
Abiral’s Goblet by Cassandra Hamm
The Yellow Helmet by Kanchana Menon
Prince of Bees by Beka Gremikova

February – Red

The Wolf at the Door by Beka Gremikova
Safety Recall by Jeff Gard
Dragon Pox by Cynthia Wilfert
Girl #24 by Krysta Tawlks
Fatetress by Julia Skinner

March – Green

It Was Their Forest First by Michael Teasdale
Verdant by Christopher Whitmore
Mood Swings by A. M. Reynwood
Green Limbo by Lincoln Reed
Dreamhunter by Noah Litle

April – Blue

Memories from the Past by Sarah Rodecker
Predict a Card, Any Card by Pamela Love
For the Love of Pie by Beka Gremikova
Chasing Blue by Richard W. Kenneth
The Transformation by Joshua A. Smith

May – Purple

Violets by Hannah Robinson
Violet Lightning by Abigail Falanga
Meet Feet by Jeff Gard
Flair by Seth N. Locke
A Home for Nova by Hannah Carter

June – Orange

Once Upon a Pumpkin by Beka Gremikova
Cat Got Your Tongue? by Kathrese McKee
Bad Help is Hard to Find by Todd Hertz
Tiger Bright by Beka Gremikova
Potts & Pumpkins by Hannah Carter

Congratulations, authors! We are so proud of you and your stories!

Don’t forget, you can purchase a Season Five: Prismatic T-shirt through September 7th.

Get one in the color of your story, or your favorite color, or both!
Or collect them all!

Plan to wear yours for our online LAUNCH PARTY on Friday, September 24th. (Details coming soon!!!)

Support our authors!

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