Havok Publishing

Archive - May 2021

Meet Feet

Horace’s toes tapped to the rhythm. They inched toward the DJ and tried coaxing Horace from his table. He dragged the insistent digits under his chair. They pranced forward again. With one last sigh, Horace tossed away his beer and slipped into the throng of swaying couples.
His feet followed the rhythm perfectly

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Violet Lightning

Yesterday was the awfullest day in the history of awful.
Morning light intruded on my doze, bringing back another rehash of those bullies tormenting my almost-friend, and me doing nothing about it. “Stay out of this, Ade-lame!” they taunted, so I did.
Any minute now, mom would yell, “Adelie, get up!”
I pulled

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The groom’s lips twisted in a final death cry.
Someone in the wedding party called for a doctor, but US Marshal Roland Chadwick suspected the worst. As the wedding’s officiator, he’d heard both bride and groom swear till death do us part, but not even he could have predicted such a swift separation.

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Editor & Reader Favorites for April 2021

Ling, this month’s theme is so depressing. Come on, Phenny. It’s not as bad as Bingeworthy’s “The End of the World As We Know It”. Sigh. I’m not so sure. Now you’re just being silly. How can a color be depressing, anyway? Because it’s blue. Editors’ Picks Mystery Monday “Impurrfect Crime” (Susan Sabia) – A

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