Havok Publishing

Editor & Reader Favorites for August 2020



Revenge with a Side of Asparagus” – Great fantasy tale about a man having to choose between forgiveness and revenge.

Salarius” – We loved the main character, with his pompous view of life and his obsession with homemade biscuits, even when faced with a failed attempt on his life.


โ€œA Recipe for Disasterโ€ is a perfectly punny peek into the kitchen of the future. Is it a dream come true, or a total nightmare?

โ€œTears for Saleโ€ is stark, beautiful, and bittersweet. The ending leaves you wrung out and wanting more.


โ€œA Spoonful of Spice” is inventive and amusing. Solid writing and suspense all wrapped up in a unique premise.โ€

Shadow Side Up” is everything we look for in a story, a fun premise, a strong character voice, and a humorous situation. Who knew werewolves and pancakes were made for each other? Now all we need is a sequel.


It’s Not a Party Until You Insult a Vampire” – If Havok manifested as a real place, I think it would look a lot like the party described here. Fantastic creatures, unique powers, and just enough chaos to keep things interesting.

Rebel Chef” – It’s been said that an army marches on its stomach, so it was quite satisfying to read this story of a spunky cook proving to be the true hero in her band of rebels.


A Lesson in Apples” has the perfect balance of familiar fairytale themes and a brand-new vision. It’s so warming and unique.

A Taste of Grace” is a powerful Rapunzel “sequel” that packs a punch, even without any epic action scenes. It deals with addiction and guilt with beautiful grace and lingered long in our hearts after reading!


  1. A Recipe for Disaster”ย by L. G. McCary (Techno Tuesday)
  2. A Spoonful of Spice”ย by Beka Gremikova (Wacky Wednesday)
  3. A Lesson in Apples”ย by Beka Gremikova (Fantasy Friday)
  4. Rebel Chef”ย by Cassandra Hamm (Thriller Thursday)
  5. Sweet Sting”ย by Cassandra Hamm (Wacky Wednesday)

Editor Favorites and Reader Favorites are just two of the factors that we consider when determining which stories are selected for our seasonal anthologies. If you see your story here, it means you’ve earned some extra attention! We’ll announce which stories actually make it to the finals when we post the Anthology Long List in February. In the meantime, keep reading and voting!

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