Havok Publishing

Archive - January 2019

The Feathered Corpse

In a world where mythical creatures lived and worked alongside a human population, anything could happen, and it usually did. That’s why they called me, Special Agent Ramses II, and my partner, Bernie Clayberg, with Mythical Crime Scene Investigations.

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Launch week was a blast!

This week, Havok opened its gates and released four brand new flash fiction stories into the world. Each Saturday, we’ll share stats and fun bits about the stories and the comments. It won’t be the same every time, so be prepared for changes along the way! Highest Rated Our Wacky Wednesday story When Magic Died by

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The Cleaner

All Misha had to do was clean up every last bit of the dead dragon, because if even a single cell survived, the dragon could be reborn. This was the last … or was it?

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Stage of War

The firm, resounding thunder of combat boots fills the tunnel, a drumroll announcing my impending doom. A moment later, boot tips stop a breath away from me. I listen as the beats between sound waves stretch, the peaks falling into stillness.

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When Magic Died

“A magic system,” the dragon clarified. “You’re supposed to come up with a magic system.”

“Ohhh.” Dave nodded slowly. He glanced down at the book. “You know, rules aren’t really my strength. How about we just let magic do its own thing this time, figure it’ll sort itself out eventually?”

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A Symphony of Words

The location of the Sol system, Earth’s system, in the cosmos. How far away it appeared. Sol itself seemed part of a grouping—a constellation from Proxima’s perspective. 917 named the pattern “The Phoenix,” for it looked almost like a bird ablaze. A new designation to go with 917’s new purpose.

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