Havok Publishing

The Buzz Was Strong This Week!

…And we’re not just talking about the espresso! All of you in the Havok Horde and the extended fans around the ‘verse are so much fun to be around.

Look at all those comments!

Tracey Dyck set a new record for most comments (48!) with her story Dead Magic on Thriller Thursday. It goes to show what a difference it can make to share your story with your followers on social media, too!

Several authors this month have had the joy of hearing commenters clamoring for short stories to be expanded into novels. What a thrill to know that you’ve successfully sucked your audience into the world you’ve created!

Creepy and fantastical and epic moments of humor scattered throughout that balanced the creepiness perfectly! I loved this and I need an entire novel about these characters, like… yesterday, please! ~ JLSchmidt, on Dead Magic

Loved the concept, the intrigue, the detail. Sooo good. I’ll be waiting for the full-blown novel. ~ Zac Totah, on Dead Magic

So fun! I could see this expanding into a rollicking middle-grade adventure story. ~ Tracey Dyck, on Phenomenal Phoenixes

Speaking of comments…

Our webmaster Kraken is hard at work looking for a way to allow visitors (non-members) to comment without getting the protected content / access denied page after they submit one. Each visitor comment is actually coming through and being approved, but the way the system currently works it gives the impression that the visitor’s comment was denied. “How rude!”

Havok T-shirts are on the loose!

Looking great, Alisa!

Tag us when you post your t-shirt pic for a chance to be featured here or on our social media accounts!

Help fund author payments for our next anthology!

Your Dose of Weekday Fun

Welcome to Havok, where everyone gets free flash fiction every weekday and members of the Havok Horde can access the archives, rate the stories, and contend for reader prizes! Join the Horde, or enjoy today’s story… we hope you’ll do both!

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