Havok Publishing

Tag - magic

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Black Hole in a Bottle

Simon’s Magickry was not like any traditional magician’s shop. There were no shelves cluttered with ancient books and talismans. There were no candles or crystal balls, nor was the shop musty or dark.
Instead, well-polished white floors reflected the dazzling radiance of the ceiling’s LEDs, filling the shop with brilliance. Plastic-sleeved magic kits

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S6 Daily Genre Banner - WW

The Bodies in Question

The scorching heat retreated as the wall of flame fizzled into nothingness. Irrick looked across the ruined campfire at the soot-stained face blinking back at him.
Wonderful! he thought. Those eyebrows aren’t going to grow back in a hurry.
“Gah! Why wizard’s fire magic so strong?” bellowed Krull “Now Krull’s supper ruined!”

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S6 Daily Genre Banner - FF

The Wandmaker’s Offer

“I need a wand.”
Exeter, the elderly wandmaker, squinted through his thick glasses at his visitor.
This young man was one of those university types: tall, sandy hair combed to the side, dark eyes, worn robe of cornflower blue with the hood pulled up. Very eager and very naive.
“Are you

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S6 Daily Genre Banner - FF

Pay the Piper

So many rats.
Mayor Osveld sidestepped a chittering swarm as he hurried down the cobbled streets of Hamelin. Children flocked, picking up the creatures and tossing them back into the gutters or at each other, laughing. Children and rats. The two main commodities of this stinking town.
He turned into a doorway and sprinted

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S6 Daily Genre Banner - WW

Lieutenants of Darkness

Eighty bucks seemed like a lot, but it was for Gerald’s thirtieth birthday, so I clicked “confirm” before I could regret those eighty dollars—which turned out to be $97.89 after shipping and tax. I was already on the receipt page when I started to worry how legitimate it was.

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S6 Daily Genre Banner - FF

At Any Price

Through closed eyelids, Magister Calysma watched the silvery-blue energy pulse around her as it filled the room with the sharp smell of raw magic. Perched on a pyramid of velvet cushions, she monitored activities across the kingdom. Set in the white marble walls were dozens of quartz crystals, each the size of her head,

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S6 Daily Genre Banner - MM

Enchanted Objects

Sounds of children at recess filled the midday air. Laughter. Creaking swings. The metallic ping of kickballs on asphalt. Lurking in the bushes, a lanky bunny hated every noise.
A cunning white Vienna rabbit, Braxton the Sorcerer had stalked these rotten school grounds for days. Watching. Searching. Binkying. The tiny emerald

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S6 Daily Genre Banner - FF

Mirror Mirror, Me

The face in the crystalline mirror is nothing like what I remember. Cold eyes, a crown of perfectly pressed hair, expression like fine stone glazed in ice.
No one told me becoming the fae Queen would be like… this.
I strain to catch even the slightest glimpse of fire in the depths of her eyes

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S6 Daily Genre Banner - WW

The Princess Rebellion

“Forking Larkspur?” The Chairman asked for the third time, pacing in front of Corduroy and me.
“Yes.” I could hear my prince grinding his teeth. The Chairman’s anxiety was getting on our nerves. “Someone sent Trudy oodles of those flowers, and it interfered with her poison-sensing abilities.”
My best friend and fairy godmother

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S6 Daily Genre Banner - FF

The Moon Duchess

Hanging upside down a thousand feet above the jagged base of Crimwell Mountain was clearing Lux’s head admirably. As was the invisible tendril of the empress’s power wrapped around his ankles.
The empress stepped closer, her iron-edged gown grating against the cobbled floor of the overlook.
At least he faced the scarlet and tangerine sunrise

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Once Upon a Pumpkin

Tamrin’s prized pumpkin was missing.
Well, her second prized pumpkin. Her best one had vanished two weeks ago on the evening of Prince Charlin’s first ball. Then her second best one vanished the night of Charlin’s second dance. Months of hard work, love, and care down the drain.
It wouldn’t happen again. Tonight

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Once again, Diah was breaking into her own palace. She huffed, edging along the shadowed side of her castle. How many times had she done this? Seven? Ten? She was losing count.
She paused and ran her hands along the cold stone wall until she found the deep grooves that had been cut precisely

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