Havok Publishing

Story Calendar

Wondering when your story (or a friend’s story) is coming out? Want a sneak peek at what’s on the way from Havok? This Google Calendar is here for your convenience, and you can add it to your own Google Calendar to see us on your phone or computer (just click the +Google Calendar button in the lower right).

Note: The titles do not link to stories, they are only for referencing which day a story was or will be published. To navigate the archives of published stories, use the Havok Story Collection page (for members only).

Your Dose of Weekday Fun

Welcome to Havok, where everyone gets free flash fiction every weekday and members of the Havok Horde can access the archives, rate the stories, and contend for reader prizes! Join the Horde, or enjoy today’s story… we hope you’ll do both!

Archives by Genre / Day

Archives by Month