Havok Publishing


S2 Thriller Thursday featured image (season 2)

Through the Darkest Night

Aster leaned into the cold stone sill and gazed out the window. The night sky was brushed with the haze of winter clouds, shrouding the stars to a ghostly hue and cloaking the evening star. No moon swam behind them. In the pale light, Aster could see the orchard

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S2 Wacky Wednesday featured image (season 2)

Froombas of True Colors

An old wives’ tale says that you can only see the froombas if you pluck a magical ‘shroom from below the frozen lake. A simple task. And I don’t say that as a gullible maiden or to tell lies out of my pantaloons.

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S2 Techno Tuesday featured image (season 2)


“This is a mistake,” 733 beeped, its camera whirring as the focus zoomed out to train on the figure standing in the snow beside it.
The woman wore a thick fur-trimmed parka frosted with ice flecks from her long trek up the hill to the outpost. The climb had left the subject

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S2 Mystery Monday featured image (season 2)

All Those Shining Lights

In the waning hours of Black Friday, a Yuletide spectacle appeared next door, in glittering LED glory. As Millie shuffled across the driveway to her warmed-up Buick, she used her hand to cover her eyes, wincing at the neighbors’ radiant display. She eased herself into the driver’s seat

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SS - Staff Saturday featured image

Threat Level: Cuttlefish

What’s a spy’s greatest enemy? Ask any red-blubbered agent in Her Majesty’s Sea Critter Service and they’ll give you the same answer.  


I sighed and looked down my glasses at the long flight of marble steps awaiting me. Bubbly Christmas music played in the background. The ballroom was alive with sea creatures mingling.

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S2 Fantasy Friday featured image (season 2)

Wise Man

Roger was reading the ingredient label on a jar of pickles when something bright twinkled at the edge of his vision. He scanned the store. It glinted at him from the clothing department, like candles reflecting off a piece of tinsel. He put the pickles back—too much sodium—and turned his shopping

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S2 Thriller Thursday featured image (season 2)

Dark Winter Sight

Yousef’s vision went black as he returned to the delivery skimmer.
“What the frag?” This wasn’t like his prior blackouts. He was fully conscious, but blind. His grasping fingers found the cold mesh shrouding the skimmer’s rear thrust fan. From there, he followed the vehicle’s smooth side forward to the lockpad.

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S2 Wacky Wednesday featured image (season 2)

The Pickle Jar

Rule one: never let anyone see you put the pickle jar back on the guardrail. Jaxa tugged on her black ninja shirt, which overlaid matching black pants and blended with her dark hair.
Rule two: look epic on every mission.
The still silence dragged at her heels as Jaxa fumbled out of her

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S2 Techno Tuesday featured image (season 2)


“It’s amazing,” I breathe, kneeling on the pavement. “Looks so real.”
“Adorable, isn’t he?” Mrs. Dawson smiles down at her hologram dog. “When Jack died, I didn’t know what to do with myself. But now…” Holo-Jack stands on his back legs and barks at me. I can almost feel the warmth

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S2 Mystery Monday featured image (season 2)

Where’s Santa?

Christmas morning! And there, under the tree… Nothing.

Six-year-old Joey’s hopes deflated. “I wonder why Santa didn’t bring any presents.” He rubbed his eyes and peeked through a crack in the front door. The eastern sky was streaked with orange. Along the fencerow, pink and yellow tulips danced

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SS - Staff Saturday featured image

The Monastery’s Treasure

Wherever Tovar looked, flames engulfed his monastery home. He shielded his eyes and raced for the abbot’s dormitory, praying his mentor hadn’t been killed in the attack.
He found the abbot lying face down. “Abbot Cralin, what happened?”
“Tovar? Is that you?” The abbot turned toward him, clutching a wound in his side.

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S2 Fantasy Friday featured image (season 2)


The voice rumbles through my dreams, calling me to the waking world. Cool, wet wind swirls over me, flowing through the open shutters of my arched window. When I went to sleep, those shutters were locked and bolted. A smile creeps up from my soul. They should know that locked windows never stop

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