Havok Publishing

S2 - Stories That Sing

S2 Mystery Monday featured image (season 2)

The Game

The spectacular man could have seduced any lady at the fundraiser, but passing the others without a look, he sauntered up to Nora, a glass of champagne in each long-fingered hand, and, with a devilish grin, planted a soft kiss on her cheek. Nora quivered as heat spread outward from the kiss and set her heart to racing.

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S2 Fantasy Friday featured image (season 2)

Out of Her Skin

“Is she an angel?” the little boy asked his mother. They sat on the shore playing in the sand. “She looks so… sad.”
High above them, a cliff jutted out over the water like the prow of a ship. At its edge stood a woman, her white dress and dark hair billowing in the wind.

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S2 Thriller Thursday featured image (season 2)

Made for Her

Red. All I can see is red. What’s wrong with my vision?
“Excellent. Open your eyes,” a female voice says gently.
I do, and wince when bright light blinds me further. I throw my hands up to cover my eyes, my left palm brushing against my right wrist, irritating the stitches encircling it.

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S2 Wacky Wednesday featured image (season 2)

Potato Panic

The spaceship rattled again, the second violent vibration in as many minutes. Leaves fell from the trees above, and water from the large koi pond splashed my spacesuit. Vibrant colors danced and pulsed in the transparent dome of the garden’s ceiling, which offered a view of nearby space.

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S2 Techno Tuesday featured image (season 2)

Surf’s Up

“One more time. Please, Dude.”
“You’ve already tried ninety-nine times, John!”
“No sweat, Dude. One hundredth time’s the bomb.” John paced in the only open area the lab equipment left them.
“I don’t know. Dr. Perrault’s due back in the lab soon.”

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S2 Mystery Monday featured image (season 2)

Here She Comes

“In this town, folks know better than to lie.”
I peer at the scruffy, middle-aged man over the top of my sunglasses. “P-pardon?”
“No need to take offense. I was only giving you some friendly advice.”
“And what happens if I lie? The lie police come drag me off?”
The man grimaces and glances over his shoulder, as if expecting someone.

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S2 Fantasy Friday featured image (season 2)

Sold Out

“All first-class tickets are sold out.”
You blink.
The grey-haired cashier shakes her head and purses her lips. “All first-class tickets in that direction are sold out, ma’am.”
“But I wanted to…” You step closer. “I need to…”
The cashier lowers the shutters in your face. “I’m sorry, ma’am, but all tickets are sold out.” She retreats deeper into her booth.

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S2 Thriller Thursday featured image (season 2)

Everyone’s a Henry

“Henry, it’s okay. You can come out now.” Margarite peered under the bed, only to find it empty.
Henry Willoughby was proving to be quite the challenge. He reminded her more of her original husband than any of the others so far, right down to the puppy-dog eyes that had lied to her face when she’d asked him where he was going that night.

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S2 Wacky Wednesday featured image (season 2)

Old-Fashioned Letters

March 1st
Dear Jenna,
I’m deeply saddened that you’ve blocked me on every messaging app, so I’m writing you an old-fashioned letter. Speaking of which, I think old-fashioned is a good thing. It carries traditional values and all that stuff. Don’t be upset because I called you old-fashioned. Let’s go on a second date.

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S2 Techno Tuesday featured image (season 2)

Ruined Boys

Jamison chuckled and released a handful of dice. He didn’t bother watching the table, instead casting his gaze around the room. Young men filled the space, drenched with sweat.
Some couldn’t stand the humidity.
Most couldn’t stand to lose.

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S2 Mystery Monday featured image (season 2)

Samara Spade and the Case of the Antelope Mickey

My name is Spade. Samara Spade. Tonight was supposed to be my first undercover without Dod—dear old Dad, in other words. But I had backup. At least until someone slipped him a mickey.
The case started this morning. A lady—I’m still trying to get Dod not to call them dames—came into our office distraught.

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S2 Fantasy Friday featured image (season 2)

Fire and Stone

Hundreds of intermeshed triangles emanated from Veyja’s hands, then locked with those of her fellow shieldmages to form a glowing wall. The first wave of scalewolves crashed into the barrier. Blood and spittle sprayed into the air. Veyja winced at the impact, but the wall held firm.

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