Havok Publishing

A. J. Skelly

Tales of Author Success: A. J. Skelly’s Debut Book Launch

We love celebrating author success stories. Havok author A. J. Skelly’s debut novel FIRST SHIFT was in the top 50 of the Amazon New Release Best Seller List for its category for over a month! Let’s celebrate with her and hear how it happened…

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S2 Mystery Monday featured image (season 2)

Whispers of Magic

My blood freezes. I know that tingling scent. The scent of magic. Magic long dead in these parts. But there… that flicker of tantalizing other. That otherness resonates within me.
I scan the crowded pub for possible sources. Sweat, the stink of unwashed bodies, mutton left too long over the flames

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S2 Wacky Wednesday featured image (season 2)

A Feather and a Wink

“Would you move, you worthless bag of feathers!” I put my full weight behind the shove I give my gryphon, but it’s no use.
He’s rooted. He’s staring. Strike that, he’s pining. He’s literally wiggling his feathery eyebrows… at her.
My forehead slumps against Griff’s furry shoulder.
Heather Dewslip ambles towards the green,

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S2 Fantasy Friday featured image (season 2)

A Screech and a Click

Time is running out.
So help me, if I can’t get this stupid locker open and retrieve my dragon’s muzzle, I can’t go to my Dragon Hatcher’s Apprenticeship class. And if I miss one more class, I’ll be kicked out of the program, and my life-long dream of becoming a full-fledged dragon hatcher

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