Havok Publishing

Category - Announcements

A Grab Bag of Favorites for the Flash Peek

A Grab Bag of Favorites for the Flash Peek

It’s happening! We’re smackdab in the Flash Peek Weekend of January 2025 *confetti* and we are so excited to unlock the doors to the Havok members-only collection and share the treasure inside: over 1,700 stories in our five favorite genres. But that’s a LOT of stories, and sometimes it’s hard to know where to start.

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August Reader Contest Winner (and Staff Favorite Entries!)

This August, for our Reader Contest, we put out a contest full of contradictions, which is SO on-brand for us. We asked you, our readers, to write romantic first lines. We asked for romance first lines, and romance isn’t even one of our five core genres! Ah, the Havok-ity of it all! And yet, our

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