Havok Publishing
Weekend Scoreboard - Bingeworthy - Phenny & Ling

Super Reader Update

Here at Havok, we’re contest people. Best stories, favorite stories, most quotable comments, guess the song—

Guess the song! That’s *so* last season.

But the Havok Season Two: Stories That Sing anthology is available, and you can guess the songs that inspired those stories.

Good point, Ling!

Today, we wanted to update you on a contest we’ve run since the inception of Havok’s daily ezine—our Super Reader contest.

For Havok Season One: Rebirth, we entered the top commenters each month into a drawing for a $50 Amazon gift certificate and our winner was Paul Nieto.

For Havok Season Two: Stories That Sing the first person to correctly guess the song inspiration for each of our stories was put into a monthly drawing for a $10 gift certificate, and the person who guessed the most correct songs over the six-month season won a $50 Amazon gift card. Our overall best guesser for Season Two was Jillian Ponchot!

Now, we’re in the last month of Havok Season Three: Bingeworthy, and we’re awarding a $50 Amazon gift card to the Havok Horde reader who makes the most comments on Season Three stories.

That’s readers, not authors. Comments on your own story don’t count.

You’re so detail-oriented, Ling. What would I do without you?

Without further ado, here are the people who are in the running so far (January-April stories) this Bingeworthy season:

Alex McGilvery
StorySpinner (aka Abigail Falanga)
Zachary A. Holbrook

Great job, readers! Keep up the good work.

For the rest of you, it’s not too late. Havok Horde members can binge our Bingeworthy season, make comments, and vote for their favorite stories. The final winner isn’t tabulated until the beginning of July!

Did you see what I did there, Ling?

Sure did, Phenny.

Help fund author payments for our next anthology!

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