Havok Publishing

Prismatic Anthology Finalists (aka Long List)

Season Five was the most colorful experience I’ve had in a long time, even if it happened in black and white.

Phenny, that didn’t make any sense.

Sure it does! Just like the old joke, “What’s black and white and read all over?”

Oh, I see.

Of course, reading the joke gives the answer away. When you say it out loud, it sounds like, “What’s black and white and red all over.”

Yeah, I get it now. So we’re announcing the top two stories from each genre and each month in the Prismatic season, right? Did they have any stories about luck dragons among the finalists?

No, sorry, Ling. But dragons in general did make several appearances. Take a look…

January – Yellow

Face The Music by Noah Litle
Magpie Boy by Beka Gremikova
The Yellow Helmet by Kanchana Menon
Starlink Sabotage by Rachel Kimberly Hastings
The Hologram Hypothesis by Pamela Love
Dances with Werewolves by Krysta Tawlks
An Honest Profession by Michael Teasdale
Abiral’s Goblet by Cassandra Hamm
Beware Said the Man of Straw by Jim Doran
Prince of Bees by Beka Gremikova
Curse of the Laburnum by Lindsi McIntyre

February – Red

The Wolf at the Door by Beka Gremikova
The Red Hibiscus Bride by Julisa Basak
Safety Recall by Jeff Gard
Inverted by Noah Litle
Dragon Pox by Cynthia Wilfert
A Valentine’s Eve Surprise by Violetta Toth
Girl #24 by Krysta Tawlks
Bad Wolves by SCE Swayne
Fatetress by Julia Skinner
Red Hood, Red Legend by Rose Q. Addams

March – Green

A New Life by Nathan Veyon
It Was Their Forest First by Michael Teasdale
Photosynthetic by Cassandra Hamm
Verdant by Christopher Whitmore
Mood Swings by A. M. Reynwood
Sir Gawain and the Green Thumb by Beka Gremikova
Sweet Waking by Beka Gremikova
Green Limbo by Lincoln Reed
Dreamhunter by Noah Litle
Long Abandoned by Max Turner

April – Blue

Impurrfect Crime by Susan Sabia
Memories from the Past by Sarah Rodecker
Refurb by Tori V. Rainn
Predict a Card, Any Card by Pamela Love
For the Love of Pie by Beka Gremikova
The Blue Zinger by Selina Lavery
Night-Blooming Azaleas by Zachary Holbrook
Chasing Blue by Richard W. Kenneth
The Transformation by Joshua A. Smith
The Ocean’s Wrath by Michael Erasmus

May – Purple

The Man in the Purple Waistcoat by Michael Teasdale
Violets by Hannah Robinson
Hope Never Dyes by S. K. Marre
Violet Lightning by Abigail Falanga
Purple Pachyderms by M. A. E.
Meet Feet by Jeff Gard
The Hero of the Infinite by Julia Skinner
Flair by Seth N. Locke
Dragon Eggplant by Allie Jo Andersen
A Home for Nova by Hannah Carter

June – Orange

Once Upon a Pumpkin by Beka Gremikova
Evicted by Jim Doran
Cat Got Your Tongue? by Kathrese McKee
The Eye of the Beholder by Rose Q. Addams
Bad Help is Hard to Find by Todd Hertz
Orange You Glad by Krysta Tawlks
Tiger Bright by Beka Gremikova
Beware the Winter Man by Lincoln Reed
War Bent by Julia Skinner
Potts & Pumpkins by Hannah Carter

Congratulations, Long Listers—I mean, finalists!
Stay tuned in the coming weeks for interviews with our Prismatic featured authors.

And the announcement of the anthology winners!
Good job, everyone.

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