Havok Publishing

Anthology Finalists for Season Four: Sensational

Drum roll, please…

Finalists for our Season Four: Sensational anthology are…


Mystery Monday
Color by Hannah Robinson
Magical Touch by Hannah Muldery

Techno Tuesday
Mari’s Gift by Kelsey Drake
Vesper, Shadow Queen of the Death Swamp by L. G. McCary

Wacky Wednesday
Midas’ Heir by Hannah Robinson
The Penguin Plan by Nathan Conlon

Thriller Thursday
A Little Help from Above by SCE Swayne
If the Shoe Fits… by Isabella Roh

Fantasy Friday
Sticky-Fingered Sailor by A. K. R. Scott
Stone Skin by Cassandra Hamm


Mystery Monday
Made with Love by Beka Gremikova
Salarius by Nina Martineck

Techno Tuesday
A Recipe for Disaster by L. G. McCary
Z Karr and the Apples of Demeter by Patrick M. Fitzgerald

Wacky Wednesday
A Spoonful of Spice by Beka Gremikova
Shadow Side Up by SCE Swayne

Thriller Thursday
It’s Not a Party Until You Insult a Vampire by Nathan Veyon
Rebel Chef by Cassandra Hamm

Fantasy Friday
A Lesson in Apples by Beka Gremikova
A Taste of Grace by Beka Gremikova


Mystery Monday
Counterpoint by John Biglands
Into the Jonahverse by Michael Teasdale

Techno Tuesday
Brownie Points by Lavender Ellington
Sound Waves and Sunshine by Daleen Cowgar

Wacky Wednesday
Dragon’s Best Friend by Cynthia Wilfert
Of Masks and Macarenas by Beka Gremikova

Thriller Thursday
Always Beauty by Linda Sammaritan
Second Sound by Susan Lyttek

Fantasy Friday
Miracle’s Tree by Oliver D. King
The Language of Sound by Cassandra Hamm


Mystery Monday
Midnight by Rachel Kimberly Hastings
Night’s Journey by Rachel Ann Michael Harris

Techno Tuesday
Always the Future by Patrick M. Fitzgerald
Monster’s Call by Hannah Muldery

Wacky Wednesday
Hiccups and Grit by Yaasha Moriah
Your Nosy Neighborhood Granny by Beka Gremikova

Thriller Thursday
Komainu by Michael Erasmus
The Hallowed Heart by Patrick M. Fitzgerald

Fantasy Friday
A Ghost’s Guide to Haunted Hugs by Kristiana Sfirlea
The Last Phoenix by Ryan Ouellette


Mystery Monday
The Mysterious Scent of Cookies by Rachael Kemme
Whispers of Magic by A. J. Skelly

Techno Tuesday
The Purple Dawn by Michael Teasdale
Tisshe Kaori by David Jung

Wacky Wednesday
Mama Louise’s One-Eyed GumboΒ by A. C. Williams
The Scent of ChangeΒ by Susan Lyttek

Thriller Thursday
Sweet Smell of Espionage by Julisa Basak
Waypoint Guardian by Yaasha Moriah

Fantasy Friday
The Perfumers of Qukamar by Beka Gremikova
The Queen and I by Beka Gremikova


Mystery Monday
All Those Shining Lights by Andrew M. Wang
Where’s Santa? by Linda Jane Niedfeldt

Techno Tuesday
50UL by Izzy Varju
Hollowgram by Beka Gremikova

Wacky Wednesday
Froombas of True Colors by Julisa Basak
The Crisis Before Christmas by Michael Dolan

Thriller Thursday
Primal Law by Lincoln Reed
The Unseen by Kaitlyn Carter Brown

Fantasy Friday
Serpents by Hannah Robinson
Through Eyes of Green by Christine Smith

Congratulations, authors! Your stories make us proud.

Join us here in two weeks when we announce the anthology winners.

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