Havok Publishing

Archive - September 2020

S2 Fantasy Friday featured image (season 2)

Miracle’s Tree

Miracle lay in the prickly grass stalks. She scrunched her fingers in the cool dirt and took slow, deliberate breaths to absorb the brown, earthy scent of autumn. And she listened. The wind rustled the seed-heavy grass heads swaying above. A tree creaked nearby. Apple and pear floated on the breeze,

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S2 Thriller Thursday featured image (season 2)

Without Silence

The noise in Thomas’s head was getting louder.
Medical examinations came up empty. Doctors were stumped. It wasn’t tinnitus, they said, or brain tumors, or sinus problems, any other condition they’d diagnosed before. Nothing they attempted, from ear drops to oral meds, solved it. In the end, he just had to deal with it.

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S2 Wacky Wednesday featured image (season 2)

Dragon’s Best Friend

“Now, see here!” Rex glared down at the little black dog sinking its teeth into his toe. “If anyone in this family should be devouring enemies, it’s me.”
The dog craned its neck to peer at the dragon. There was a moment of blessed silence. But then… “Woof! Woof-woof! Woo-oo-oof!”

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S2 Techno Tuesday featured image (season 2)

Bubble Trouble

The doorbell jingles. I stuff my nanocell into my khaki pocket and paste on my customer-service smile. The doors slide shut behind a woman and two men. “Welcome to the Nanotech Center!” I say.
My smile wavers at their dark clothing. They match the descriptions of the Sound, the infamous gang—

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S2 Mystery Monday featured image (season 2)

Into the Jonahverse

Always last to everything.
Jonah is the last of his class to change, both physically and developmentally.
He hears the cries from out in the hallway. The scuffling playfights, the macho name-calling. Everything he seeks to avoid as he slinks from the dressing room into the whitewashed cubicle, towel tight around his waist,

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SS - Staff Saturday featured image

There’s a Voice in the Distance

His brother used to make voice memos every night, and now, three months after Justin’s fatal accident, Colbert still couldn’t sleep without them.
The time glared at him from the lockscreen of Justin’s old phone. He scrolled through a year’s worth of recordings until he found the one he’d left on last night.

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S2 Fantasy Friday featured image (season 2)

A Screech and a Click

Time is running out.
So help me, if I can’t get this stupid locker open and retrieve my dragon’s muzzle, I can’t go to my Dragon Hatcher’s Apprenticeship class. And if I miss one more class, I’ll be kicked out of the program, and my life-long dream of becoming a full-fledged dragon hatcher

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S2 Thriller Thursday featured image (season 2)

Second Sound

My best customer had just left with a packetful of herbs when the man I’d seen in my dreams for years ran up. His deep brown eyes darted side to side. My breath caught at his beauty.
“You have to help me!” His second unspoken words gave a reason for his terror.

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S2 Wacky Wednesday featured image (season 2)

Of Masks and Macarenas

“I hate my job.” Tina scowled at the curtains that separated her from the audience. “I’d rather play bingo.”
“No, you don’t.” Tello, the stage manager, shuffled his cue cards. “And no, you wouldn’t. You hate bingo.” He tugged at her arm. “Come on, your cue’s coming any minute!”

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S2 Techno Tuesday featured image (season 2)

Sound Waves and Sunshine

The City Hall walls are made entirely of glass. The sun pierces through, warming my back.
It would be a beautiful day if not for the two security guards pointing tasers at my face.
City Hall’s hustle lurches into slow motion. The second hand on the clock could race a snail,

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S2 Mystery Monday featured image (season 2)

One New Message

My eyes are transfixed by the rhythmic pulse of the red blinking light. On. Off. On. Off. On. Off.
It calls out to me, signaling me to press the button. Daring me. Taunting me. But I can’t. Not yet.
The weight on my chest stills my breath and my hand.

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