Havok Publishing
Weekend Scoreboard - Bingeworthy - Ling & Phenny

Bingeworthy: June Wrap-up & Anthology Finalists

Hello, Havok Horde and soon-to-be Horde! We have EXCITING news to share today!!! Not only are we reporting on June’s top stories but ALL the stories in contention for our Season Three anthology.

That IS exciting.

First, Havok’s Top June Stories…

Our top story for June as rated by the Havok Horde was Fantasy Friday’s “Unexpected Encounters of a Draconic Kind” by Beka Gremikova.

Congratulations, Beka!

Topping off our other daily genres, you humans gave top stars to:

And the top 5 rated (that’s votes and comments, folks!) stories for June were:

  1. Unexpected Encounters of a Draconic Kind” by Beka Gremikova
  2. Raiders of Magic” by Krysta Tawlks
  3. Quilted” by A. C. Williams
  4. The Rocking Chair” by Laura L. Zimmerman
  5. Show Me Your Socks” by Cadi Murphy

Nice job, authors!

Now for our Season Three: Bingeworthy Anthology Long List

AKA our anthology finalists!

If you’re new to Havok (and as a refresher for those who’ve been around for a while), we operate as an ongoing contest of sorts. Each weekday, we publish stories that fall into five broad genres:

  • Mystery (anything mysterious, unknown, with a question to be answered)
  • Science fiction (futuristic, technical, spacey)
  • Humor (comedic situations and funny characters)
  • Thriller (action, suspense, life-threatening situations)
  • Fantasy (made-up worlds, mythical creatures, and magic)

Each month, every story published fits within a theme, which fits within the overall context of the season. For “Bingeworthy”, each month was inspired by a different writing trope.

Today’s celebration includes the stories that rose to the top of the rankings based on editor and reader feedback and evenly selected across all five broad genres and each of the six monthly themes. Without further ado, here is the Season Three anthology “long list”, the stories that qualified for consideration in our next printed anthology!

January (Dynamic Duos)

Everything’s Cooler with Armor – A. C. Williams
Figlio Fortunato – Abigail Falanga
Of Magic and Monsters – A. M. Reynwood
Sexiest Man in Space – Teddi Deppner
Silent Running – Abigail Falanga
Team Second Star –  Amber Woods
The Art of Taming a Dragon – Hannah Robinson
The Face in the Ring – Bill Bibo Jr.
The Time Travelers – Kaitlyn Carter Brown
Twine Man Returns –  Zachary Holbrook

February (Answering the Call)

Better Than Here – Laura Nelson Selinsky
Immortals – Arielle Anderson
Loves Cats – Krysta Tawlks
Oath – Nidheesh Samant
Taquitos and Heroes – A. C. Williams
The Hero of Parker City – Emily Grant
The Lady’s Counsel – Patrick M. Fitzgerald
To Catch a Killer – R. F. Gammon
Toby’s Call – H. Halverstadt
White As Snow –  Lisa Driscoll

March (Strange New Worlds)

A Far-Off Place – Brianna Suazo
Dig – Susan Lyttek
Foodpocalypse – Zachary Holbrook
Forest of Fear – Yaasha Moriah
Leafbound – Sophia Hansen
Marsh Bug Mayhem – Katie Phillips
The Case of the Serial Burglar – Caleb McCary
The Last Gateway – Cassandra Hamm
The Light Smuggler – Zachary Holbrook
The Sword of Jol’Sen – L. A. Thornhill
Worlds Collide – Kandi J. Wyatt

April (The End of the World As We Know It)

A Grain to Spare – K. M. Small
Average Joe –  Joshua C. Chadd
Deepest Chains –  Josiah Dyck
Flew – Pamela Love
Flowers – Hannah Robinson
Into the Abyss – A. M. Reynwood
The Boy with the Crows – Hope Ann
To Look at the Stars –  Dennis Walkling
Upstairs Floorboards – Alex Mellen
Why God Made Beer – A. C. Williams

May (Super Duper)

A Charming Day to Die – Bill Bibo Jr.
Dragonbreath – Laurie Lucking
Flight of the Fading Sorrow –  Zachary Holbrook
Her Calm Voice – Krysta Tawlks
I’m Not Him – Emily Hague
Revolutionary Fire – Beka Gremikova
She-Borg Goes on a Blind Date – Andrew Swearingen
Some Assembly Required – Patrick M. Fitzgerald
The Incendiary – Abigail Falanga
The Ship in the Bottle – Lindsi McIntyre

June (The One Thing)

Cheddar the Mighty & the Quest for the Grody Grail – Nichole Celauro
Double Take –  J. L. Ender
Family Reunion – Zachary Holbrook
Name That Planet – Alex Mellen
Quilted- A. C. Williams
Raider of the Last Cruller – Jeff Gard
Raiders of Magic – Krysta Tawlks
Santa’s Little Foes – Michael Erasmus
Show Me Your Socks – Cadi Murphy
The Divide – April Fellows
The Future Tree – Zachary Holbrook
Unexpected Encounters of a Draconic Kind – Beka Gremikova

Next weekend, we’ll announce our anthology winners (the stories selected for our Season Three: Bingeworthy anthology) and the finalists for the Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards!

Saturday night at the Realm Makers Writers Conference or Sunday here on the website.

See you next weekend!


Help fund author payments for our next anthology!

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