Havok Publishing
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Havok at Realm Makers

Next week, VERY special things are happening!

Havok is going to the Realm Makers Conference in St. Louis. Not only will 18 of our Havok Hive (our staff) be attending, but a lot of the Horde will be there as well! We have some cool swag to share, so make sure to stop by our vendor table.

We’ll be announcing our Editors’ Choice, Readers’ Choice, and Super Reader Awards at Realm Makers (and posting them here next Saturday, so stay tuned).

The reason we can do that is because our Rebirth Anthology releases on JULY 20th! And you can pre-order it now on Amazon.

And, if you’re attending the Realm Makers Conference or if you live in the St. Louis area, we’ll be selling paperback copies for a conference-only price of $10. If you prepay for them, we won’t even have to charge you sales tax!

If that isn’t enough, we’re having an AUTHOR SIGNING at the Realm Makers Book Festival on Saturday night for all of our authors who are in attendance.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait for next week!  GoHavok!!!


In other news: keep guessing which songs inspired our stories for this month. The Horde member who is the first to guess correctly will be entered to win an Amazon gift card!

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