Havok Publishing
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Cover & Congratulations


Rebirth Book Cover


What you see above is the culmination of eight months of work. Planning for the rebirth of Havok. Vision casting. Implementation. Hard work by our authors, editors, and support staff. Input from readers. Investment by our fantastic featured authors James Scott Bell, David Farland, Robert Liparulo, DiAnn Mills, and Kerry Nietz, who believed in us when we told them what we had in mind and willingly jumped on board the Havok train.

A Special Thanks to each of the 82 authors published during Season One. We loved reading your stories and working with you! It was incredibly difficult to distill 129 fantastic stories to only 32. Please keep writing and submitting. We hope to wreak more Havok with you in the future!

Now, we are pleased to announce the anthology winners. These are the stories that have run the gauntlet: submitted, polished, published, and now packaged into a very special anthology set to take the world by storm on July 20th.

Here are the Authors of the Rebirth:

The Feathered Corpse by Bill Bibo Jr
Life Cycle 63 by Just B Jordan
When Magic Died by Michael Dolan
The Tomb of the Ophidian Scepter by Michael Dolan
Bitten by Jessi L Roberts
The Cleaner by R.C. Capasso
The Candy Conspiracy by E.A. West
To Find a Thief by E.A. West
Rendering by L.G. McCary
The Pet Rock Named Dave by Justin Mynheir
An Undeserved Chance by Justin Mynheir
The Misfits by Samwise Graber
Gilded Finality by Brianna Tibbetts
Every Drop of Soul by Lila Kims
The Doomsday Stones by Jebraun Clifford
Unnatural 20 by Andrew Swearingen
Dune Buggy Dash by Katie Robles
If These Walls Could Talk by J. L. Knight
Humdinger’s Army by A.C. Williams
Corruption’s Kiss by Margaret Graber
One Shot by Zachary Holbrook
Window by Carie Juettner
Sins of Fire and Metal by Emileigh Latham
At Your Service by Christine Smith
Seeing is Believing by Clarissa Ruth
Ghost of the Golf Course by Kristiana Sfirlea
Finnegan Transmitting by Eva Schultz
The Devil Went Down to Costco by Stephanie Scissom
Salvage and Reclamation by Abigail Falanga
Misfire by Abigayle Claire
Words by Kat Vinson
A Symphony of Words by Kerry Nietz


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