Havok Publishing

Archive - March 2019

We Will All Be Alone

The grass is cold. I lie there. The wind accompanies me while I watch a large family of small black ants. All of them traveling together. Some carrying leaves, some carrying sticks, all fulfilling a purpose. All being part of something. Envy grows within me as I stare at them.

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Murphy’s Law

Murph the Mooch had attained senility after decades of racketeering, contract murders, and domestic violence. Worse, he was cheap. Murph had required underlings to pay for their meals together, occasionally having them offed later that day.
And I needed to make Murph my best buddy.

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The Temple of Rebirth

The burning orb far in the distance ignited the miles upon miles of golden clouds underneath the drones of fluttering creatures. Large, cyclopean towers rose from the billowy underbelly, looming over them like monolithic giants.
Their sinewy bodies shot in-between the crevices of the engraved structures, weaving past the steaming mist erupting from the trenches below the clouds.

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Damn. Tahnee hit the floor. This guy is good.
Good thing she was better. However, it was time to end their little dance despite the fun she was having.
“Sorry, mate.” She clipped her opponent’s legs, driving the guard to the ground.

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An Odd Awakening

The human must’ve been shocked upon its awakening to see a bear using a computer. The sight of a bear alone would’ve been enough to set alarm bells ringing, but one checking emails over a morning coffee was something else entirely. It explained the hysterical cries issuing from the human’s mouth.

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New Earth

Evelyn Hall had long been numb to the weight of a planet on her shoulders. The everyday stresses that accompanied ruling the nations of the world had destroyed her health and strained her mind past its limits. But now that its end drew near, the decision to stop fighting the inevitable felt less like a burden and more like a release.

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Every Drop Of Soul

Peter inhaled deeply, puncturing the quiet of the dark forest. One leg dangled from his perch on the tree, while his gaze remained fixed on the small village at the bottom of the hill. The bark dug into his back, but he reclined against it as if it were the most luxurious couch.
He couldn’t see her yet, but he would. Any moment now.

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February’s Contenders

February was a great month for Havok! 20 stories. 5 genres. Hundreds of members. Thousands of views. Our editors have picked their favorite February stories. That means, the stories below are in contention for our first anthology! (You’ll have to wait until July to find out which ones make the final cut, though!) If you

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I hacked at a vine as it snaked around my feet. It recoiled. I shook the old tarnished sword at the enchanted forest and shouted, “I am Ariella!” I let the name roll off my tongue. It thrilled me.

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