Havok Publishing
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Recycling Takes a Dark Turn

The February recycling theme took a dark turn this week. Nooses, poisoned crowns, unwilling organ donors, and harvesters of life and memory… if you missed them, get in there and catch up!

A bright spark of laughter lit up Wednesday’s spot, though, when Karen handled her husband’s unfortunate transformation with surprising aplomb.

Highest Rated, Most Comments

The ratings were remarkably even this week, with Gilded Finality by Brianna Tibbetts just barely coming in at the top (the anticipation of justice it left us with must have tipped the scales).

Meanwhile, humor always provokes a great response, and Justin Mynheir’s The Pet Rock Named Dave dominated the comments race.

Speaking of Comments

“Your main character freaks me out, but he intrigues me a lot too! It looks like you’ve got a FASCINATING fantasy world here!” – lilakimswriter, on The Harvester.

“Hahaha, that was great! Every time you described the googly eyes it was like comedic gold.” – Michael Dolan on The Pet Rock Named Dave.

“This is delightfully creepy and mysterious…” – SamanthaShaw on Now Fix It.

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