Havok Publishing

Resolution Month Is Over, But The Rebirth Continues

It’s February 2nd, and January’s new year resolutions are either well established or already forgotten. But Havok’s Rebirth continues, and we begin this second month with 113 Havok Horde members. Hello, out there, you amazing human beings! It’s been great getting to know those of you who leave comments on the stories.

Speaking of Resolutions…

Resolutions are often forgotten, but we have an unforgettable challenge for our writer friends: the Havok Gauntlet. If you missed the #HavokGauntlet2019 post on our social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter), here’s the basic idea:

The Havok Gauntlet

That’s right. 60 flash stories in a year. No sweat, you guys. We know somebody who wrote over 300 in a year, so it’s totally possible. Use our Season One Themes for the first 30. Our Season Two Themes will be coming out at the beginning of March!

This Week’s Top Rated

Author Brett McNew had us chuckling with his wacky story about the hell to be found in the fine print at NewU Life Agency, which tied with The Curse of Jasper Throe by Samantha Shaw for highest number of votes.

Michael Dolan, you are a ROCK STAR. You’re leading the pack in supportive comments, with Samantha Shaw, Rae, and Lisa Godfrees right on your heels.

Overall, participation was a little lower this week, so we hope you all aren’t getting TOO BUSY TO READ! (And if you were, the good news is that you can catch up on the stories over the weekend!)

January’s Top Stories

For all those who have been eagerly waiting to hear which stories from January are in the running for the Havok Season One anthology*, and which readers are in the running for Top Reader of Season One, you’ll know soon enough! We’ll be announcing January’s candidates via our newsletter, so if you aren’t already subscribed to that, use the form below:


* For anyone new to how Havok works, the Daily Flash stories are published on our website — free to the world on their publish day, and then available to Havok Horde members in our private story collection after that. The best of these stories will be included in our Season One anthology and published in ebook and print formats alongside new stories from Havok staff and our bestselling, award-winning featured authors: James Scott Bell,  David Farland, Robert Liparulo, DiAnn Mills, and Kerry Nietz.

Help fund author payments for our next anthology!

Your Dose of Weekday Fun

Welcome to Havok, where everyone gets free flash fiction every weekday and members of the Havok Horde can access the archives, rate the stories, and contend for reader prizes! Join the Horde, or enjoy today’s story… we hope you’ll do both!

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