Havok Publishing

Saturday Scoreboard

Highest rated

Congrats to Bill Bibo Jr. for The Feathered Corpse, our highest rated story for this week. Mystery Monday has now tied with Wacky Wednesday for highest rated, with Fantasy Friday’s werewolf and vampire mythos story Bitten hard on the heels of this week’s top rated winner. The Genre Wars have begun! Of course, it’s early in the season, so who knows where it will go from here.

Look at those comments flowing in!

While Bibo’s story also has the most comments for this week so far (tying last week’s highest rated When Magic Died), comes in close behind!

Some of the great comments we saw this week, on various stories:

“Wow, great story. Funny how one of the most important things in his life is happening and no one is taking notice. Great job.” ~ Rae

“…That hooked me from the first sentence! I’m also intrigued to see what kind of effect the vampire and werewolf blood combo will have down the line.” – Michael Dolan

“It’s amazing how much you packed into this short tale. I love the eerie tone you conveyed and the mystery about Ron’s involvement in the whole affair. Bravo!” ~ DJ Edwardson

What does it all mean? Is it all about the numbers?

Make no mistake — Havok is here for the FUN, not the numbers. We’re here to celebrate ALL the wonderful stories that make it onto this website, and to encourage readers to ENJOY and writers to SEND MORE. If there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s this:

Life is short, life is precious, and life should be spent enjoying and giving joy.

Our competition is a friendly one. Every author we publish has achieved something wonderful. Every story you read is one we hope you’ll enjoy. So have a great weekend, and when it’s over, we’ll be here with a bolt of fast fiction every day during your workweek!

Help fund author payments for our next anthology!

Your Dose of Weekday Fun

Welcome to Havok, where everyone gets free flash fiction every weekday and members of the Havok Horde can access the archives, rate the stories, and contend for reader prizes! Join the Horde, or enjoy today’s story… we hope you’ll do both!

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